A Reunion at Sungai Congkak
Reconnecting with friends in Kuala Lumpur, we revisited a cherished spot - here's some of what we found.
I had marked my calendar in anticipation of reuniting with my mushroom-hunting friends from Kuala Lumpur. Our chosen location was Sungai Congkak, a familiar haunt of ours and the site where we discovered the elusive Durian mushroom.
Despite the hot, dry conditions that had persisted for a week since my arrival, our expedition proved fruitful. Tucked away from the stream and deeper into the woods, we focused our attention on a small area near a fallen log.
It's a curious phenomenon how, after an hour of meticulous searching with only a few interesting finds, you stumble upon a small patch that demands hours of exploration—a jackpot.
Among them, a Gibellula sp., a parasitoid fungus belonging to the Cordycipitaceae family. This particular species has evolved to specifically target spiders, engaging in a form of intriguing and slightly macabre parasitism.

These structures merge to create a formation akin to a stalk of wheat. The spores are dispersed by wind, eventually landing on unsuspecting spiders. Once in contact, these spores germinate and penetrate the spider's exoskeleton.
The fungus secretes digestive enzymes directly into the spider, breaking down the tissues for absorption while avoiding the tough, chitinous exoskeleton. As a result, the spider's cadaver remains remarkably intact and recognizable.
Although morbid, it’s truly fascinating to witness this side of nature. And also cool to share in the discovery of interesting species with friends!

These were some of the last mushrooms found at Sungai Congkak last week. About a hundred in total at all stages of growth covered stumps near the entrance.

As we neared the end of our journey, the discovery of Pleurotus giganteus (which looks the same as P. tuber-regium), resembling misshapen trumpets, was a fitting finale to our day of exploration.
What riches! I loved those Gloiocephela sp. Are we going to see another post from Sungai Congkak?