I had to completely renovate my home because of a massive termite infestation. Also, my property has a meriad of flourishing fungi. Coincidence? I wonder 🤔

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Omg. Sounds like a nightmare! Do you know what species is popping up?

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I have tons of beautiful chanterelles, milkies and russalas. I also have a cauliflower and lion's mane, puff ball, several aminitas, a stink horn and many unidentified others. I had so many that I had to go to a class and get a wild mushroom foraging certificate. I wasn't even a mushroom enthusiast until I moved here. They are so interesting.

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Wow, it sounds like you have quite the collection of mushrooms! No need for a supermarket. My favorite edible is Lion's Mane - they have lots of good recipes here in Malaysia - sweet and sour, BBQ pulled pork, chicken burrito, Korean fried, and crab cake substitute....now I'm hungry! Haha!

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